Friday, August 17, 2007

Figure It Out Friday First Photo Sleuth Award


Janet said...

This song is like visiting a museum from the comforts of my home. Cool!

I'm here upon recommendation of Apple. I'm writing a post to explain it all shortly. Hope you'll swing by!:)

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

Congrats to Tim.

Thought I'd let you know your feed doesn't seem to be working. The feed I subscribed with originally isn't updating. I tried to resubscribe today and got an error message from feedburner.

Anonymous said...

When will you post again?

The Tour Marm said...

Hi Eric.

It's nice to be missed. Actually, I didn't mean to take a hiatus! this summer has been, well, um, 'interesting'.

However, I'm in the midst of family as well as a new business venture (very exciting!).

I shall probably be back home after Labor Day and I'll finish the unfinished business here as well as start posting anew.
